There is almost nothing sadder than when someone spends $100.00 on a bottle of smell-good, only to ruin it by putting on too much. People around are robbed of the opportunity to appreciate your investment, to catch a slight, aromatic whiff of your bottled scent as you pass them in the supermarket or in a fancy restaurant, work, everywhere you go.
And if you continue to take a bath in your perfume or cologne you have for all intents and purposes wasted your $100.00, because no one can appreciate the overwhelming scent you carry, and you would be better appreciated with no perfume or cologne on at all.
Sometimes the scent of perfume or cologne is so overwhelming it immediately invades the nostrils of others, causing some to actually feel sick or get a headache.
The best way to apply perfume or cologne to your body is not to directly apply it at all. To apply perfume or cologne place yourself in a room with high ceilings if possible. If not possible still use this process.
Spray two mists of the liquid into the upper air and wait 2 seconds. Then, slowly walk under the mist but not too slow!
If you want to reduce your perfume-cologne carbon footprint, spray only one mist into the air. Expensive perfumes and colognes are very strong. It doesn't take much of it on you to allow others who pass near you to catch the scent.
Once you have walked under the mist, navigate to another part of the house and determine if you can smell the scent on you.
Spraying perfume or cologne directly onto your body is risky. If you only spray once, lightly, quickly, it may work. Unfortunately, some people are tempted to spray several times, for example once near their neck, them on each arm, and then the real offenders add an extra mist up and down their body.
Help save the world: scent yourself sparingly.
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In case you are shopping around for perfume or cologne, try this link at Amazon:
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