If you have the money or you are connected to someone who will sponsor your addition, getting addicted to cocaine is one of the easiest things you will ever do in your life. Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs in the world and the euphoric feeling it produces attracts even the most independent and hardworking of minds. Cocaine addiction ruins millions of lives every year, and all of them started with just a few social lines on a piece of glass, marble or a mirror.
Cocaine provides instant gratification. It produces a love everyone, love the world feeling that resembles a child in a candy shop for the first time. Some people may be able to use the drug "recreationally," but most cannot resist revisiting that feeling time and time again. For many people cocaine enhances sex and if they have an active sex life it's easy to integrate cocaine as a regular partner in those forays.
White-collar professionals are especially vulnerable to cocaine addiction because many of them start out with enough funds to spare for the eventual addition. They are also well adept at hiding their addition for a while. It's very easy to justify the addition (and remember, you are not really addicted, you can quit any time you want) by saying you work longs hours and need the "bump" to keep up in the rat race.
The longer one does cocaine, the more they need to achieve something close to the high they received in the early days. To become addicted to cocaine someone has to shell out a lot of money.
If you are looking to deplete your financial status and slowly empty your bank accounts, cocaine addiction has for centuries proven itself as a drug that can help you do that. It also can help in transitioning into an anti-social position as the addicted moves to shun away from people who are on to them and who are negative about the addict's addiction.
Many cocaine addicts eventually hit bottom and begin the slow process of starting their lives over. Hundreds of thousands of dollars later, unemployed and outcasted from society they come to realize the party is over. Cocaine is not their friend anymore.
So, it's very easy to become addicted to cocaine if that is what you subconsciously desire. Just keep sniffing every line offered to you by someone who wants something from you but not your real friendship, or by someone who wants you in the same miserable boat they are in because, so true it is, misery loves, absolutely loves company.
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