Your job career should, whenever possible, be something you enjoy and something you seem to be naturally good at. Everyone on this planet is good at at least one thing, and most of use are good a several or more things. You can be good at a lot of things.
Don't overly focus on the money, or which career pays more. You might be really great at creating and baking pies, and also good at delivering structured, well thought out and logical arguments. A few friends say you would make a great lawyer, but is this what you want for a life career? Maybe you could start small with a bakery and then expand it into a huge enterprise making millions of dollars a year. If you are happier practicing law then become a lawyer.
A job doesn't have to be a daily grind in which you can't wait to clock-out and go home. You can do something you like and are good at, from home if you want.
Maybe you are good at something but need more knowledge. Consider classes at a local college or online. Get yourself better at what you already have a good solid base for understanding.
If you are young, try different careers and don't feel permanently attached to any one until you have that epiphany realizing this is what you want to do.
If you are going to take the time and effort, not to mention money to go to college, pick a major right away and get the most of your studies. An undeclared major can be a costly mistake.
The best careers are the one in which we really enjoy the work we are doing, and we're getting paid for it. Examples of this are musicians and other artists, writers, professors, scientists, dancers, architects and many more. Discover your interests and try to incorporate them into a career.
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